Give Up The Ghost by Julia Haist (Toronto Fringe 2013)

“Andrew Young, playing the stepson Gus, was especially good at exuding a nervousness that felt real enough to have the audience viscerally engaged.”- Michael Polubiec,

Paleoncology by Kira Hall (Montreal Fringe 2014)

Given some smart direction from Andrew Young… PALEONCOLOGY makes its cutesy take on a serious problem work wonders….A show with plenty of heart, tons of smarts, and talent to spare.”– Kevin Reid, The Visitorium

Snack Music by SNAFU (Next Stage 2015)

“Young’s physical acting and puppetry skills are phenomenal.”-Jonathan Zagrodnik, The Theatre Reader

“Hansen and Young are smart, charming and very funny.” -Lynn Slotkin, the Slotkin Letter Theatre Reviews